Reception Seating

Inspired by furniture of the 50-60’s, this range of sofas and seating is designed to be happy in the office reception or in the home. They have a simple and rather sober outside profile, different head and arm rests contrasting with a soft ‘bucket style’ interior.

The were developed from David’s original sketch book doodles (David started out as a furniture designer) hoping they would appeal to furniture manufacturers, airlines and others in the world of interiors who might work with us.


  • Zojirushi – Exhibit Stand

    Zojirushi – Exhibit Stand

    We used traditional Japanese architectural elements such as floating ‘Noren’ to showcase Japanese culture and differentiate the Zojirushi brand. We also created product literature for the launch.

  • Reception Seating

    Reception Seating

    Inspired by furniture of the 50-60’s, this range of sofas and seating is designed to be happy in the office reception or in the home.

  • Daiwa House – Furniture

    Daiwa House – Furniture

    Daiwa House, one of Japan’s largest house builders, invited us to develop a range of domestic furniture targeted at the owners of their high-end range called Eddi’s House.